昨天我的一个客户有个40'HQ 的柜子,11:00AM装完后才发现空了0.9CBM。但这位客人要求很严格,竟然空这么点空间他们大陆办事处的总经理都不让柜子走.希望工厂把出现异常的货返工后装满柜,柜子才能出厂。厂里也因有些货物质量出现了异常才出现空柜现象。但返工又会需要较长时间,且需拉下其他客户正在上线的货;生产部门也会抱怨。鉴于当天14:00PM就截S/I了,我鼓起勇气直接打电话给他们中国办事处的总经理,告诉他们我们这边的情况并说服了他让柜子走。虽然他同意让柜子就这样出厂了,但也说了句I'm not happy about it. 我觉得还是有点成就感的。有时候坐等客人邮件确认急死人,还不如直接打电话过去,这样确认的更快,效率更高。我已经有好几次这样的体会了。昨天又刚好很快就要下大雨,需马上关柜门。因此事情也进展的更顺利。真是老天有眼啊,嘿嘿。
It's going to rain heavily very soon as the sky is black and we have to shut the door of the container immediately.
客人回了 Yes,pls shut the door.
niyan284931356:you can close the door, but do not seal the door, you could put more cargo in the container even if it's rainning,
Your're right to some extent.In general,we close the door then seal the door.If the customer sticked to put the container until full,then the container couldn't leave the factory right away even though it was raining heavily.And we have to rework the cargoes which regected by their QC, which would make the time rather urgent.But I'd pursuaded him to have the container left right away.So I had a little sense of achievement.
bl231231:不错,LZ好样的 :funk: :KB
Thanks for your encouragement.
文章首发表于:2012-4-6 20:18