billtang:又一新订单 !
上周四收到业务部门发过来的询价, 客户要我们提供LED背光的产品catalogue供参考设计,我说没有叫他直接去我们供应商的网上看(呵,,当然我不会把我们供应商网址给他,随便提供了行业内一个大的工厂网站给他 ),好客户周五就发了一个简单的图纸过来要求报价.偶三下五除二叫工厂报价,然后算好报价发给业务部.. 周五下午快下班客户说模费太贵(我报的950USD,工厂报780USD),问我们能否降一些或用现有的模具..
周五没时间理他了,因为周五晚上公司年终晚会.没空 ;P
Regarding to your questions about the cost of tooling, I’d like to explain more a bit:
1. All LED backlight is customized product with NDA, so no supplier allows us/you to use it. We can’t help you on this point.
2. As to the cost of tooling, we ‘d like to provide two solutions
A. Cipem willing afford one partial of it… say: 850USD, we will refund you the tooling charge after the qty up to 60K. (I’m sure this is the best offer without others led backlight supplier can provide, you may check with other led suppliers, most of them is 1000usd~1200usd and the MOQ is on basis of 10K or even more)-->这一句我说的是实话,确实我们的价格比正常客户自己去找工厂便宜很多.
B. We can provide another method (laser machine) to produce this backlight, but the unit price will be high more than 0.5USD pcs, say 1.3USD FOB HK.
But it will have 2 problems if use laser machine
1. the luminous uniformity not good as set tooling, will a bit shadow beside of led chip
2. Lead time will be longer.. Laser machine cuts is slow it..(300pcs~400pcs/per day)
To be frank… we engage to provide good service with reasonable price to all our customers… as you know we will consider you 30days payment from the second order if we get guarantee from our bank. -->这一招就是确定他下决心从我这采购的原因了..
Of all aboves, I’m sure to pay 850USD is the best solution for you. we try to provide 10pcs FOC samples on or before 15th Feb if you accept it-->客户要的比较急, 一般好多工厂哪那么快给他提供啊都回家过年了.年上来也会很忙! 当然我也没把话说死用了"try to" 我也怕我的工厂年后上来有可能推迟,这样会影响客户对我们的信任.
呵..综合上述.我认为有时报价回复客户邮件时.一定要仔细去分析客户此时的心态才作出相应的回复. (偶是慢慢悟出来的 )
Bill Tang,
CC: Rachel
Can you provide me official revised quotation for the Choice A to proceedpurchase order.
yangyutao171717:真牛 哈哈向LZ学习了 呵呵
xi_an2008:恭喜你啊 LZ 不错啊
文章首发表于:2009-1-19 14:27