guozhongchem:nigeria 客户把我整崩溃了
super_options: hi
nancy : HI
super_options: have u had ur kuch yet?
super_options: lunch
nancy : HEHE ,i am eating luch now
nancy : what about u
super_options: no lunch
super_options: at home today and very unhappy with myself
nancy : why
super_options: it's complicated
super_options: your boss and many other things
nancy :
nancy : really
super_options: we said two days after receiving the payment he must send back my money
super_options: he received the money since 24th dec and has refused to send back this money
super_options: well,have a nice lunch
nancy : i asked my boss
nancy : he said about the 875usd for your bank charge
super_options: say hello to lovely fiona
nancy : yes
nancy : dear friend
nancy : hello
nancy : are u there
nancy : i had finished my lunch
super_options: yeah
nancy : boss told me he is puzzled why your bank charge us 875usd
nancy : why ?
super_options: hm!
nancy : it was said ,
super_options: my bank will never charge him any money
super_options: i paid my bank for this lc
nancy : but boss told me your bank charge 875usd ,
super_options: and i have contacted them about htis
super_options: but your boss should send my deposit back
super_options: it's not part of this business
nancy : so maybe i think that 's why
nancy : the money in lc is 14230
super_options: i only let him keep this money cos he was not sure about me
nancy : but we only receive 13110may be this amout ,i am not sure
super_options: 14237usd
nancy : i hear about this
nancy : yes 14237
nancy : but after we receive there is 1000 usd loss
nancy : we didn't get
nancy : boss told to me ,to asku why
nancy : i phoned to my boss ,
super_options: i do not know but i paid him complete amout
super_options: he should sort this thing out with his bank
super_options: why should he keep my deposit since 24th dec?
nancy : our bank charge 100usd ,but your bank charge us more than 875
nancy : i don't know
super_options: your bank should explain this to u
super_options: my bank will never touch your money
nancy : could u pls ask about your bank
super_options: let your bank tell you where they kept 1000usd
nancy : why they charge for such a mount money
super_options: maybe this is government tax
nancy : no our bank charge for 175 usd ,
nancy : but your bank charge for more than 800 usd ,
nancy : boss is angry about this
nancy : and don't know why
super_options: but should your boss seize all of my deposit?
nancy : i hear from my colleage from in charge of lc and
nancy : no
nancy : no dear
nancy : when u know exactly about why your bank charge for 800 usd ,and refund to us ,i think boss will refund
nancy : dear
super_options: i have said my bank will never take 1 dollar of this money
nancy : but why
super_options: this is what you need to find out through your bank
super_options: your boss behaves badly
super_options: i am not sure of the goods he shipped to me
nancy : dear ,boss is not in office ,next monday
super_options: he is with all the money
nancy : i will scan the document to u
nancy : about the charge at your bank
super_options: and he is crying out for more
nancy : they told me and i followed the instruction
nancy : dear friend
super_options: i do not understand and have never met this kind of chinese boss
nancy : no
super_options: even deng has no information to give
nancy : dear
nancy : deng is only charge for trade
nancy : he didn't know ,only boss he knows
super_options: evrything looks like some kind of game
nancy : i don't know it exactly
nancy : if i had no order ,i can learn nothing
super_options: i may lose the money for the goods
super_options: no problem
nancy : no ,we have several orders last month
nancy : and everything goes smothly
super_options: but i want him to send back the depost i sent to him
nancy : trust me
super_options: this money is not part of this order
super_options: but he has refused to do so
nancy : he puzzled about the amout of money your bank in charge
nancy : why your bank charge for more than 800
nancy : i think you should inquiry from your bank
nancy : dear i am not cheating you
nancy : i know
nancy : but why 875 USD was charge by your bank
nancy :
super_options: i have said many times that my bank will never charge you 1cent
super_options: they can only bill me but will never touch this money
super_options: you should find out from your bank why your money is less
super_options: my bank has paid this money
super_options: as in the lc
super_options: ask your bank to track this payment and find out who has taken your money
nancy : in fact your bank charge 875 usd
super_options: this is a simple thing to do
nancy : why
nancy : why you don't know
super_options: wow
super_options: i thought i was talking with a cultured person
nancy : yes
nancy : but they told me
nancy : dear
super_options: well,i should not be talking about this with you for now cos your understanding is very bad
super_options: u mean your boss is right to keep my RMB28,000
nancy : no
nancy : he is questioned about the amout of money charge by your side bank
nancy : i am not telling lie
nancy : dear
nancy : cece
nancy : that 's true
qianyuwan87:nigeria guests do not provoke
客户说我们BOSS 不返还他预付款,我们BOSS 就问为啥LC 外汇结汇的时候,他们银行扣留我们875USD ,我们银行扣了180USD 是正常的,客户老是和我说,他们银行没有扣一分钱,我郁闷呢,:Q
是被他们银行扣掉了,875USD 啊,为啥,那样呢,他们银行,他还不知道,我汗死
世界牛仔:我看完了一半,明白了啥意思。我也遇到类似的情况。当时客人不相信,我将银行的水单给客人看,当然,你必须明白的告诉客人,银行是不会骗人的,如果骗人的话,那中国的生意还做不做呢。另外,你需要向银行问清楚客人汇出了是多少,在哪里扣了钱,是在国内还是在国外。一般的,有如下几种情况:1. 客人没有交手续费导致扣款 2.客户的银行是小银行,所以必须经过国际银行(大银行)的中转,当然这种国际银行也要收手续费的 (这种是最可能的) 至于你怀疑是不是客人汇少了,你可以看客人的银行水单。这个事情叫你们公司的财务向银行查清楚就好了,不需要和客户拉拉扯扯的。
文章首发表于:2010-1-8 12:44