yzgyyz:这个泰国人 我要不要出会骂他一下..
是这个样子 我们公司一直跟他联系 关于玻璃马赛克的机器 我们本身也是机械厂 主要是做陶瓷机械的 玻璃马赛克的机械 我们也做 但是是在别人那拿货的 做机器的人都应该知道没有做的 或者做的 价格低 都会去找别人的 工厂价格低的 拿回来自己打标 然后再卖出去 继续说这个客户吧 因为他也是一个真的那个客户吧 不是那种问一下 报了价格然后就消失的那种 从7月份吧 我们就一直有联系 规格 参数 然后报价谈价 最后确定看来中国 因为可能是新开工厂的 有一些大型的器械 窑炉这些需要采购 所以肯定会来着中国看厂 验货的.9-21 跟他约好见面 但是是我经理是接待他的 在另一家跟我们有合作的工厂 试机 验机 电机 配件确定 这当然是经理跟我讲的然后我们重新报价 他们回国 一共来了4个人 中午要请他们吃饭 但是他们要赶飞机 最后买了肯德基给他们回国后继续报价 价格讨论 我们也是这一单 是没有问题的了
但是 突然 突然 发了一个邮件过来 说跟别人买了没有一点预兆 就跟我说跟别人买了 好吧 你买 当然我们也要死的明白一点 问为什么 告诉我们是价格贵了 来回的邮件如下
Dear Sir, Firstly, Thank you so much for your call and mail.I just finished my meeting with my boss regarding all issues from China and Malaysia yesterday.I'm so sorry to inform you that I decided to buy the manual glass cutting machines and auto glass breaking machine from another Chinese supplier because I got the better price.For the machine quality, I think they are same as yours. However, Thank you so much for everything.Give my regard to Ms. Ivy too.
我继续 不能放弃啊
Dear Mr Athipatch V.:How are you.I'm sorry to hear that,and i think you have compared then got the final decision after you back to Tailand. But may i know the price the supplyer gave it to you?I think if they can give you more better price to you also we can and do more better.
Dear Sir, Thank you so much for your mail and your call.I just finished it yesterday, Saturday, October 6, 2012.For your question, I frankly tell you that I got USD.2,000 each for 2 sets of Manual Glass Cutting Machine and USD. 5,580 for 1 Set of Auto Glass Breaking Machine. Thanks and best regard. Athipatch V.这个价格 我们合作的供应商给的不含税的出厂价跟这个差不多很难相信啊 我们在别家拿机器 一般都是加1个点的例如 1个点的税 报出去当然压价厉害的 我们会只赚退税 机器的退税还是可以的 当然也不排除他的价格是含有水分的给我们的
看到这个价格后 我们就重新报价 当然降价 希望可以做 然后退税上赚钱
Dear Athipatch V. :How are you. Thank you for your Email,and i check the price you give you.I must explain to you our Manual cutting machine including 20sets of support and 20sets ofcutter.The price they gave you also including them?And i want to knowalreday confirmed with the factory and pay the deposit or in your plan.Becasue just now talked with our boss about the price problem,and i glad to quote the new price to you please check it:Manual Glass mosaic cutting machine standard type:USD2300.00 EX-WORK including the 20 sets of cutter and 20 of support,if you need 10 sets of them the price also adjustment.Glass mosaic seperation machine USD7200.00 EX-WORK.
Dear Sir, Thank you so much for your support.We are really appreciated.For your new prices, we don't accept them.They're still high.However, Thanks for everything and hope to wrk with you again in our next project. Best regard. Athipatch V.
这样子 我们也没有办法了 只能保持联系吧差不多已经放弃了
但是 就在昨天 我们合作的厂 打电话来说 令一家做玻璃窑炉的厂 打电话给他们 要他们报价 跟我们的规格一样 也是出口的 尺寸比我们小了一10cm 价格也是有变化的 掰片的还是一样的 工厂脑子也热了一下 报价给他们的了 更无耻的是 那个窑炉厂的女业务员 还冒充是我们的同事 要工厂报价 我靠 有你这样的吗然后他们厂长 就有点奇怪 也打电话跟我们讲了 但是价格已经抱出去了但是你们这样做 未免太无耻了吧
Dear Athipatch V. :
How are you these days?
Hope everything from your side is getting smooth.Can i ask you one question ??did you know the person who show in the picture by attachment ??Due to today there are somebody from the picture have asked us about our machine the same as you request on that days we met .but they ask about the glass cutting machine with air system on foot control on 900mm table size ,but i have quoted to you is table size is 1000mm.about the breceking machine ,it is the same as your request,that i think they are is the one company which you have metion you already confirm right ??So i want to ask you one question more,i think you would know they are not the manufacture of glass cutting machine and breceking machine,even you purchase with them ,they are also buy from us ,and i must confindence said that you told me that our price is higher is not the top excuse right ? can you please let me know how much they quoted to you . .so can you please let me know how much you have got from them if you think only the price problem .Due to we seem you are as a friends relationship .so i hope we can face to each other in frankly .Waiting for your any answer.
他的回复Dear Yang, After reading your mail, what is your point to send this kind of mail and picture to me? I know the persons in the picture.So what? Actually, You don't have to cut me from the picture. That's not smart enough. For the business, I'm the buyer and have the right to see and talk with anybody..and don't have to waste time to visit the same factory in a day. I know they are not manufacturer, but I prefer to buy the machines from them at the ressonable price. It is my right to do that, don't you? One more thing, you mentioned that you are the manufacturer and they will buy the machines from you. Finally, you can sell the machine. Why do you do like this?..unless you are not the manufacturer.Are you sarcastic me?If yes, don't waste time.Your time is money and my time is also money. Before I went to China, did you remember what I informed and asked you?Did you remember your answer?When I was back to Thailand..I also informed you. Do you think that I'm not frank to you? Don't worry, I can face to you frankly. Best regard. Athipatch V. 我真想回信去骂他的啊 今天早上工厂有给我们电话 说那女的本来是用 我们接待他们的下午 带他们去工厂的 可能他们那天并没有走还骗了我们一个全家桶 他后面的那段 那时我答应他们是去接待 他们的 但是那天 早上 我们在回来工厂 再去接他们 就有点来不及了 因为他们酒店在官窑不认识的一个地方 所以我就没去让他们怀疑 我们不是工厂 最后他让那女的 去找哪家工厂 在报价 只是不含税的价格 因为他们是窑炉 一条窑炉 多少钱 这几万块钱 当然会不在乎 我们只是设备 这几万块小单 给我们 有赚 也是可以的了
他这样回信 真想去回信去问候他一下
zhangwen316:唉 已经这样了淡定点吧幸会!
Darnley_Wang:所以现在外贸公司都不好做了, 好多客户都是要找工厂的. 站在你的角度上是客人的问题, 可是你试着站在客人的角度上想一想: 你如果被骗了是什么感受? 因为被骗了, 所以选择了别人. 因为大家都知道贸易公司的价钱一般都会高过工厂的价钱. 更何况被骗的同时又有人出更低价. 所以有时换位思考心理会更平衡一点.
山东万国硅碳棒有限公司,生产各种型号老工艺硅碳棒,经久耐用,希望与大家合作 联系人 王 电话 13869348833
stewart::L :LLZ 这语文表达能力 我表示很 。
文章首发表于:2012-10-11 16:04