NinaXue:Looking back on my life
Today,I feel so tired,every day is busying ,problem always comes,you can't imagine what will happen next.
The only thing you can do is do the best with what you have in your hand,I believe the words' God help those who help themselves',so every time meet the problem,I will try to fix it by myself,don't want to ask for the other people.
To tell the truth,I am jealous of the guy who can sold CNY 100 million for one year,may be he is smart,may be he have much advantage,may be he have more problems than me,but its no big deal,I believe I can also do very well one day,so now I have to working harder.
Yesterday,the customer paid to a wrong bank account,I will settle it this afternoon.
Action speak louder than words.
vivi.lavendar:More problems you have settled ,Stronger ability you will have
冷月照孤魂:.. 这是上了国外BBS了吗?
Thank you,I also hope so.
瓦尔加湖:一句都看不懂 :L
Billy333:I support you, dear. everything's gonna be fine.
h78303210:I believe the words' God help those who help themselves'
i also think so
TimLai198943:I believe the words' God help those who help themselves'
nicholliu: I just can't understand what you want to say! But anyway ,good luck to you
文章首发表于:2012-4-26 11:32