2002021034:那西肽 1%,25,4%,8% Nosiheptide 和阿维拉霉素10%,20% Avilamycin 厂家寻求合作
上海莫息生物科技有限公司的郭海明我司主要生产阿维拉霉素 Avilamycin 和 那些肽 Nosiheptide,
采用 生物发酵工艺,工厂在河北保定,欢迎国内外的饲料企业和贸易公司前来洽谈业务, 产品质量可靠,生产稳定 ,欢迎前来索样和验厂。
we are seeking forbusiness cooperationfor the product 10%& 20% Avilamycinand 1% 2% 4 % ,8% Nosiheptide.we are welcome the trading companyor related company to inquiry to us.
Shang Hai Moxi Biological Technology Co.LTD
Room 102,4th flool,No388,Lane 1555, West jinshajiang Road,Jiading District Shanghai China.
Bruce .Guo
Title: Sales Manager
Cell Phone: +86-158-2142-2068
Email Address: shzdxghm@163.com
Wechat: 15821422068
qq: 270009903
那西肽 1%254%8% Nosihep