Roser1160283669:how to express someone's skin color
A:You say he or she is caucasian, African American or Hispanic
That’s the politically correct way of saying it
Their are two ways of saying it
It’s a sensitive topic because some people don’t like being called “black” “Red” “brown” “yellow”
Saying it like that is not politically correct
B: so,what shold i say that?
A: You should say Asian, Hispanic, caucasian and African American/ where they are
Like Native Americas don’t like being called “red”
B: ok, if i don't konw where he or she is
You ask where they are from
It’s rude to just assume where they are from
Let’s say you meet someone who is black. What do you say?
Do you say. You are black?
Or say. Where are you from?
He says I’m from America
Then he is African American
He says he’s from South African
Then he’s South African
You meet an Asian who can’t speak Chinese
He tells you he’s from America
He’s Asian American
But saying he’s American is perfectly correct
People are happy if you say it that way
Try not to mention his skin is right,just say where he is?
But in case of a crime it’s easier to say his skin color
It’s complicated issue no one likes talking about haha
B: I agree on you.:P
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