swantao:如何办理code mark证书
如题,如何办理code mark证书,需要多少钱?
1楼你好,如需要办理澳大利亚认证请你联系我,是什么产品,了解更多认证问题我们可以私聊QQ 1937345314
申请Code mark认证也不难,寄样去澳洲或新西兰测试,费用评估一般要有以下信息初步确认,有资料的话我可以帮你问问澳洲那边的机构,不便宜是肯定的。Code mark认证国内很少有工厂办理,国内能接的认证公司几乎很少,1楼心里要有准备,看了1楼之前的帖子,生活工作还是要坚持。QQ2355625798
a description of your product
its purpose and use (for example, the type of buildings it can be used in)
any limitations or conditions on its use
all clauses of the Building Code that you want the certification to cover
technical details
details of how your product is to be installed
product support and maintenance requirements.