辰evan:不缺询盘, 只缺服务专业的供应商!
先声明, 并非标题党!
我们是今年开始SOHO, 主要通过谷歌开发, 配合EDM工具, 获取了数量还算可以的客户回复, 其中不乏优质的国外进口/批发商. 有一部分已经在定样中
不过因为时间较短, 在产品/供应商一块准备的比较匆忙, 没有经过很好的筛选, 导致产品不熟悉, 无法快速有效的处理客户的问题, 浪费了一些客户资源, 实在是非常的可惜!
相比一个个去找供应商, 会牵扯较多的精力和时间, 在此, 希望是工厂的各位可以主动联系我们, 让大家有机会一起合作, 共同成长, 你会需要我们的专业, 我们也同样感谢您的付出!
目前, 我们主要需要产品大类如下:
1) LED 车灯, 自行车灯/汽车灯
2) 电池/电池组/电源
辰evan:Dear Supplier,
We are trading company in shenzhen, sourcing LED bike front and rear lights for customers from overseas
by using EDM and marketging method, we have managed to obtain a great volume of inquiries, some are really valuable from whom we could expect BIG orders over 5-20W USD
Due to customers'demand of a wide range of various products, we also have to expand our produt line to meet their needs, thus we come here looking for reliable and professional manufactures, with hope of seeking opportunity to work together, and we hope it will be YOU!
Our strength
1. Keep sending you valuable inquiries, you don't worry about no customers anymore, we know Alibaba has faded away its merits anyway
2. Good communication with customers, 8 years in business allow us quickly act and well understand what customer want
3. We have oversea agent in USA capable of handling leads and orders more smoothly
4. Provide you with latest and professional ideas/suggestion from customers on product development/upgrade/packaging, keep you up to date
5. We ensure to be as supportive and flexible as we can, since we understand a powerful you stay behind will be our big confidence to move ahead
We need you to be supportive with:
1. As fast as possible to respond and be professional, efficiency is the key and how professional we deal with customer's questions and needs determine how fast we could get order
2. providing product material, e.g. product catalogue, pricing list, high quality product image and associated certifications
3. accommodate our needs of customers' visit
4. Manage customization, production and logistics need
Plus, we would be happy to share more experience with you on reaching customers, and more tools in customers management, together I am sure we will both benefit from each other!
Leave us message and we will be in touch! Thank you very much!
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我公司是专业生产LED感应小夜灯十二年厂家,我公司成立于2005年,坐落在深圳宝安沙井。于2011年开始为各大贸易经销批发商和电商客户供货,国内大商户做采购供应。产品覆盖面广,主推各类高新奇特智能家居LED感应灯产品。大量现货,图片高清设计 、中英描述 、一件代发,产品具备外观专利与国际检测认证(CE 、 Rohs 、FCC、SGS)。
公司阿里网址: https://shop1490247815240.1688.com 深圳市拓迪电子有限公司
程小姐 微信/手机号: 18682029819
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geyugui123:家居产品 QQ 1352784574
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