我是来自中国的一名海鲜进口商,我有件事需要你们协会的帮助。去年5月份我通过A从b公司进口海鲜,因为B公司单证出现错误导致我们货物滞港长达一个月,给我们造成10万元的经济损失。B公司早就答应赔偿,可到现在快一年了,一直拖着索赔款.附件是证据。 B公司这样拖着无疑给我们增加了很多利息成本。我们已经不做海鲜了,所以希望B可以利索的处理完我们的索赔款,我们不希望索赔款通过A以后的订单中扣除,一码归一码,而且A何时从B进货也是未知数。希望他们不要再找各种理由去拖延,海鲜圈其他同行都很关注这个事,我相信声誉和信誉一样重要,作为巴西出口的龙头企业之一更要有所担当、有所作为,希望协会可以帮帮我们,好人一生平安!
runwaybnb:尝试翻译了一下,不知道能不能帮到您。 翻译过程中我有两个小建议。1 把损失金额换成对方的货币单位;2把AB公司之间的关系解释清楚。
To whom it may concern,
How are you? I am s seafood importer in China and in desperate need of your help. May 2017, I signed a contract withB to import its seafood products through A. Due to the mistake on the legal documents provided by B, the products were forced to defer at the harbor for more than a month. The direct financial loss is $100,000. B acknowledged the mistake and later agreed to compensate my loss but failed to repay me. I’ve tried to reach out to B for an entire year but no payment has been made to me. Please see attachment for proof.
There is no doubt that B is avoiding the payment responsibilities and has caused even more damage to my business. Because of this failed import deal, I am no longer in the business. All I am hoping for now is to receive compensation that B has agreed on.
It has caught other Chinese seafood importers’ attention that B is dragging on the payment terms. As the leading Brazilian company in the industry, B’s credibility and reliability are facing a severe challenge. I am sincerely asking for help.
For any questions and concerns, please feel free to contact me at 电话/邮箱。 I really appreciate your help and consideration.
With highest regards,
我看了一下您的另一个类似的帖子,同意第一条留言,找专业的追债公司(collection company)是最直接有效的方式。个人追债耗时耗力,收效甚微。