Dear ***
My name is *** and I am friend of *** from *** company, I mean he introduced you to me and you are my last chance for this story.
The story is that we found a trading company in Internet that provide me *** by under *** USD price, I decided to start communicate with them. Someone called *** every day answered my emails and provide me all information after about 2 weeks conversation we decide to buy a *** from them so I contacted our Hong kong office to keep in touch and ask for their bank account information to transfer the money. The transfer done as per attached receipt and *** confirmed me that she received.
After that she did not reply my emails, all phones off and we can not reach them. Also we sent some one (one of our customer) to check their address and there is no company on this address.
I made a fake email address and send them inquiries , they reply us and provide me below contact number. Address same but phone calls changed.
Appreciate your attention on this case and hope you can help me regarding this.
aicon:多少USD 呢????
如此拉风:幸会! 报警,你唯一能做的
DORDORRO::funk: :funk: 报警
1000USD也不多 花钱买教训吧
网络肯定有风险的 这骗子也比较专业 只能叫客户下次小心把
文章首发表于:2012-2-6 13:49