做外贸要有激情,可是现在的形式让我并不看好中国的外贸, 最近我觉得我厌烦了这种看不到未来的工作,公司环境也很压抑。干了一年的外贸,我很想离开这儿,但又不知道自己能做什么。
Dear Janice HAN,
This is to announce that in accordance to the decision that has been taken by myself and announced internally on February 26th, 2009; I am leaving off the company . to be effective from the date of March 27th, 2009. Sincerely reporting to you that I have decided to run my own business in near future. My duties and responsibilities to be taken over by Mr. Rasim GOKTEPE at the first hand.
I would like to take this chance to tell you that it is been a privilege for me to work with you. I shall be always glad to know you.Your constructive approaches and remarkable professionalism will bear in my mind as honour of working with you. I hope the future to bring further business opportunities for all of us.
For any possible loose-ends, I shall be available through the following contact particulars – as you are always welcomed.
· Mobile: *****************
· Email: *****************
· MSN: *****************
· Skype: *****************
By the light of these writing lights, I would like to say thank you to our group Family for the time we spent together. I wish a very successful feature to my colleagues and managers.
Wish you all the best ever, both in your business and your private life.
I remain,
Thank you, Erturan.
文章首发表于:2009-3-25 09:57