L:yes,with the USA influence,it seems it has infected the world,,..
S:yup,agreee.Even here...peoples from Quebec make like if they are way different from
American...even if they act exactly the same...
S:Their diplomatic influence can't be the United Nation, they used their
veto almost 40 times...without any consequences...France: 1 time, to oppose themself to war in Irak.....and they rename the french fries for the freedoms fries, talking about
getting the dead-body from the world war 2 back in USA...
S:But it's true, freedom of tought is essential..
S:But you know, if you only see the show....people think they are free, have theirown
opinion.....totally false! Most of the american totally trust CNN(美国有线新闻电视网),
which is paid by the government.
S:pretty funny to see from inside .
L:yes,i know .just like sth in China,i think every politics system have it's own defect .
S:true.Do you think the chinese communist party will stay for a while?
L:yes,they will stay all the time .that is politics.
S:Maybe, but there's so much contradiction with the actual China economical system...
文章首发表于:2007-1-9 23:49