我们公司有两个工厂,一个专门负责国内业务,一个负责国外业务,公司业务员不多,两个跟单,一个老员工(大概做了2两时间吧!),另外就我们的经理,这次进来两个人,一个是我,还有一个女孩子。 办公室比较冷清,经理很少干涉我们的工作,全靠我们自己,但是规定必须每天发送20封邮件。客户来源主要是国内外的展会。这不,九、十月份公司又有德国、巴西、俄罗斯展会, 可惜本人资历不够,只能眼巴巴的看着同事们去啊!
Spam of the Day – “lovely girl seeks Skype contacts for welding machine hookup”
来自:Naked Security |时间:2013-01-23 07:51:52
原文链接: http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/01/22/spam-of-the-day-lovely-girl-seeks-skype-contacts-for-welding-machine-hookup/
It's easy to have too much of a good thing, let alone a bad thing.
Nevertheless, despite seeing zillions of messages pouring into our spam collection every hour, we still find ourselves intrigued by the occasional message.
We probably shouldn't say anything that sounds even slightly positive about any of them, but sometimes it's hard to resist thinking, "That's got to be the Spam of the Day."
We've had the bloke from Ukraine (non-smoker, non-drinker, blood group O+) trying to sell part of his liver .
Beatles fan Graham was offered every single Beatles number (no pun intended) crammed onto a single DVD for his listening pleasure.
And one of the BBC's rugby experts once tweeted to see if we'd like to shed a few pounds (both weight and cash, no doubt). Acai berries are the go, apparently.
Here's one of today's, from a lovely girl seeking Skype contacts:
You have interest in the machine, please reply our email for more details.
Please add our skype: *********, I'm a lovely girl.
The attachment is exactly what you'd expect from a lovely girl called New Model who wants to sell welders via Skype:
A nuggety little MMA welding machine, half the price of an IGBT-based device , or so they say.
At half the price, why not buy two?
mojiaojiaozhu:陌生的邮件 陌生的人 市场难作啊!!!!
文章首发表于:2013-9-10 15:45