
加我QQ 177 100 50 57 , 微信 bepureland
Description of the goods and services required
A system is required that can monitor solar cell performance (maximum power point tracking) under ambient light conditions. The system is required to measure up to 16 cells individually over a voltage range of 0 5V with sensitivity of <1mV per point; and measuring current down to sub microamp level. We also require the system to have a custom-made cell holder, designed to our specifications with the option of using either, the custom cell holder, or alternative connections via (for example) banana plugs or similar.
Summary of requirements
1. A system that can monitor solar cell performance (maximum power point tracking) under ambient light conditions.
2. The system is required to measure up to 16 cells individually over a voltage range of 0 5V with sensitivity of <1mV per point; and measuring current down to sub microamp level.
3. We also require the system to have a custom-made cell holder, designed to our specifications
4. We require the option of using either, the custom cell holder, or alternative connections via (for example) banana plugs or similar.
-Maximum power point tracking system working under ambient light (MR)
-16 channel measurements with resolution of < 1 mV per point over range of 0 5V (MR)
-Custom cell holder based on our specification (MR)
-Option of using either custom cell holder or alternative (e.g banana plug) connections (MR)
-Sub micro-amp current resolution (HD)
The quote should itemize:
1. Cost of goods
2. Delivery
3. VAT or other import duty

时光,说1:幸会! 幸会!






2018波兰纺织展 International textile fair

2018波兰纺织展 International textile fair

sux2:2018波兰纺织展International textile fair波兰面料展, 波兰纺织品展, 波兰服...
